The following legal notice also applies to our XING and Linkedin profiles.
Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH
Dr. Maier + Partner Personalmarketing GmbH
Werastraße 21
D-70182 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 228610
Registered office of the company:
Stuttgart - Stuttgart Local Court HRB 15385
Represented by the managing directors:
Sven Hasenwandel
Sebastian Lang
Dr Ivo Odak
Robert Sadjak
Heinrich Schaible
Jens Siegloch
Ust.-ID: DE147829044
Werastraße 21
D-70182 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 228610
Registered office of the company:
Stuttgart – Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 758172
Represented by the managing directors:
Sven Hasenwandel
Sebastian Lang
Dr Ivo Odak
Robert Sadjak
Heinrich Schaible
Jens Siegloch
Ust.-ID: DE309274417
Werastraße 21
D-70182 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 711 228610
Registered office of the company:
Stuttgart – Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 762779
Represented by the managing directors:
Nicole Noller
Heinrich Schaible
Constantina Smernos
Ust.-ID: DE 316479656
Source reference
Home, Company, Executive Search, Interim, HR Consulting: gorodenkoff, AVIcons
Personnel Marketing: TommL
Vacancies: PeopleImages, HAKINMHAN, baona
Dr. Maier + Partner Personalmarketing GmbH
Web design and technical realisation
sunrise design – interactive media, Webdesign aus Hamburg
You can find our information on data protection here..