Making companies successful through strong personalities.

Our passion for over 50 years!

Making companies successful through strong personalities.

Our passion for over 50 years!

Our Executive Search Services

Our Services

Dr Maier + Partner stands for high-quality executive search. We fill vacant positions in southern Germany and throughout Germany. For over 50 years, clients have relied on our experts as trusted partners in executive search. We help you to fill vacant specialist and management positions with outstanding personalities. Sustainability and humanity are just as important in the selection process at Dr Maier + Partner as exceptional professional qualifications. It is our passion to complement your company perfectly with our expertise. Please feel free to contact us at any time with your enquiry. 

Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen am Tisch und blicken zum rechten Bildrand. Der Mann gestikuliert mit einer Hand. Am rechten Bildrand sieht man den Kopf einer Frau von hinten.

Executive Search – Wir besetzen Ihre Führungspositionen

People make companies successful. We provide our clients with comprehensive support in identifying and recruiting the right leaders for their key positions. In executive search, personal contacts, seniority, experience, and overview all count similarily. We have a resilient international network and access to relevant decision-makers and excellent personalities. This is how we find people who develop companies, drive innovation and sustainably secure and expand our clients' success. 
In intensive discussions we analyse and question the basic requirements of our clients. We define detailed competence and requirement profiles with reference to reality and the framework conditions on the labour market.

First-Class Networking - Nationwide and Internationally

We look back on over 50 years of experience in executive search - in Germany and internationally.  We recruit executives for clients throughout Germany and in an international context.

We focus on recruiting executives and forming business units in Germany for companies from abroad. In addition to our expertise in executive search and our knowledge of the industry, we can also draw on broad knowledge of intercultural communication in order to always be able to recruit outstanding executives and suitable personalities for our clients.

Eine Frau sitzt lachend auf einem Sessel und blickt zum rechten Bildrand.

Attracting Leaders with Industry Expertise

We work with numerous small and medium-sized enterprises as well as family businesses. We also count companies with several thousand employees and international corporations among our clients. We speak the language of medium-sized businesses and understand how to fill management positions in a high-quality, suitable and sustainable manner.

Dr. Maier + Partner sees itself as a cross-sector generalist. We are very familiar with sectors such as the automotive industry or mechanical and plant engineering.  We recruit executives in every sector. We count technology companies as well as businesses from the retail, consumer goods, and medical technology sectors among our clients. We also find suitable executives for high-tech and start-up companies.

Ein Mann sitzt in einem Sessel und gestikuliert in einer Gesprächssituation mit zwei Stiften. Ihm gegenüber sitzt ein weiterer Mann, von dem ein Teil des Kopfes von hinten zu sehen ist.

We Offer Efficient and Sustainable High-Quality Processes

In addition to the professional and personal qualifications, in personal interviews we scrutinise the working methods and individual attitudes of the candidates and compare the results with your requirements and your company culture.

We check references very seriously and with the necessary experience. Furthermore, we use diagnostic procedures if requested by the client.

After our intensive selection process, the right decision for a successful cooperation can be made on the basis of joint discussions with you and the candidates.

Even after a vacancy has been successfully filled, our consulting work does not end. We accompany leaders during their integration into the new position (on-boarding) and regularly seek dialogue with the candidates as well as with our clients. This is how connections are formed that are characterised by trust and integrity.

Ein Mann und eine Frau sitzen am Tisch und blicken zum rechten Bildrand. Der Mann gestikuliert mit einer Hand. Am rechten Bildrand sieht man den Kopf einer Frau von hinten.

Executive Search – Wir besetzen Ihre Führungspositionen

People make companies successful. We provide our clients with comprehensive support in identifying and recruiting the right leaders for their key positions. In executive search, personal contacts, seniority, experience, and overview all count similarily. We have a resilient international network and access to relevant decision-makers and excellent personalities. This is how we find people who develop companies, drive innovation and sustainably secure and expand our clients' success. 
In intensive discussions we analyse and question the basic requirements of our clients. We define detailed competence and requirement profiles with reference to reality and the framework conditions on the labour market.
Eine Frau sitzt lachend auf einem Sessel und blickt zum rechten Bildrand.

Attracting Leaders with Industry Expertise

We work with numerous small and medium-sized enterprises as well as family businesses. We also count companies with several thousand employees and international corporations among our clients. We speak the language of medium-sized businesses and understand how to fill management positions in a high-quality, suitable and sustainable manner.

Dr. Maier + Partner sees itself as a cross-sector generalist. We are very familiar with sectors such as the automotive industry or mechanical and plant engineering.  We recruit executives in every sector. We count technology companies as well as businesses from the retail, consumer goods, and medical technology sectors among our clients. We also find suitable executives for high-tech and start-up companies.

First-Class Networking - Nationwide and Internationally

Wir blicken auf über 50 Jahre Erfahrung im Executive Search zurück – in Deutschland und auf internationaler Ebene. Wir gewinnen Führungskräfte für Kunden in ganz Deutschland und im internationalen Kontext.

Dabei fokussieren wir uns auf die Gewinnung von Führungskräften für deutsche Standorte und Business Units für Unternehmen aus dem Ausland. Neben unserer Expertise im Executive Search und unseren Branchenkenntnissen können wir auch auf breite Kenntnisse in der interkulturellen Kommunikation zurückgreifen, um für unsere Kunden stets hervorragende Führungskräfte und passende Persönlichkeiten gewinnen zu können.

Ein Mann sitzt in einem Sessel und gestikuliert in einer Gesprächssituation mit zwei Stiften. Ihm gegenüber sitzt ein weiterer Mann, von dem ein Teil des Kopfes von hinten zu sehen ist.

We Offer Efficient and Sustainable High-Quality Processes

In addition to the professional and personal qualifications, in personal interviews we scrutinise the working methods and individual attitudes of the candidates and compare the results with your requirements and your company culture.

We check references very seriously and with the necessary experience. Furthermore, we use diagnostic procedures if requested by the client.

After our intensive selection process, the right decision for a successful cooperation can be made on the basis of joint discussions with you and the candidates.


Even after a vacancy has been successfully filled, our consulting work does not end. We accompany leaders during their integration into the new position (on-boarding) and regularly seek dialogue with the candidates as well as with our clients. This is how connections are formed that are characterised by trust and integrity.

Contact us:

Recruitment Methods and Tools

Recruitment Methods and Tools

In order to be able to make the right personnel decisions at management level, we as headhunters determine the needs of our clients in detail in an intensive discussion. In close dialogue, we work out the requirements and competence profile as well as the search environment and jointly decide on the appropriate method. 

In order to present you with a holistic solution for filling vacant management positions, we at Dr. Maier + Patner draw on a broad repertoire of different instruments in our targeted selection methodology.

In order to be able to make the right personnel decisions at management level, we as headhunters determine the needs of our clients in detail in an intensive discussion. In close dialogue, we work out the requirements and competence profile as well as the search environment and jointly decide on the appropriate method. 

In order to present you with a holistic solution for filling vacant management positions, we at Dr. Maier + Patner draw on a broad repertoire of different instruments in our targeted selection methodology.

Zwei Berater von Dr. Maier + Partner sitzen mit einer Kundin zusammen und lächeln freundlich

Direct Approach

In tight and sensitive candidate markets, we identify potential candidates with inventiveness, creative strategies and the required seriousness. We approach them discreetly for your company. Our clear process structure guarantees the highest quality.

Ad-Supported Search

Together with you, we carefully select media that are optimally tailored to your project. In this way, you reach personalities willing to change without detours. In doing so, we draw on a wealth of experience from various channels and media and guide you transparently through the process of ad-supported search.

Database Search

Through our database, which has grown over the years, we find suitable candidates effectively and quickly. The multi-layered sorting enables a search with extremely accurate results, which makes the process particularly efficient.

Successful Combinations

Every project is individual. Accordingly, we give you recommendations for the combination of methods for successful recruitment.


In order to make the right personnel decisions, we rely on innovative aptitude diagnostics. With these scientifically based decision-making aids, miscasting risks, fluctuation and bad investments can be avoided. Thus, your decision is based on a solid foundation.

Potential Analysis

Making even better use of employees' potential and developing it is a very important tool in a competitive labour market. However, internal personnel decisions should also be well secured in order to avoid cost-intensive and image-damaging wrong decisions. Our specialists from the field of human resources development carry out potential analyses, ensure external neutrality, and create comparability.

Our Consultants

Our Consultants

Sandra Fröhlich, Senior Consultant bei Dr. Maier + Partner

Sandra Fröhlich contributes over 20 years of consulting experience from the automotive, industry and financial services sectors to Dr. Maier + Partner. Most recently, she worked as an Executive Search Consultant at Kienbaum Consultants International and successfully recruited managers and specialists for medium-sized companies.

After completing her business studies with a focus on HR and marketing, Sandra Fröhlich started her career as a HR officer at a well-known medium-sized automotive supplier. Her focus was on recruiting specialists and managers in competitive markets. With the help of complex selection methods, she successfully built up a new corporate division with changed requirements for employees, and then worked as a personnel and organisational developer to drive this change process in the production environment of the automotive industry.

With her move to self-employment as a senior consultant in the financial services sector, Sandra Fröhlich expanded her consulting expertise to include coaching and career counselling for academics.

With her training as a systemic business coach and online coach, Sandra Fröhlich now focuses on HR consulting - in addition to executive search. Her goal: to actively support our clients with business coaching, management audits and career consulting, in parallel to executive selection in executive development.

Portrait von Martin Hölderle, Principal bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Martin Hölderle has been working in executive search at national and international level for more than ten years. He gained first experience during his studies (Business Administration with a focus on Human Resources) in a consulting boutique in Munich. He then wrote his thesis on Executive Search. He started his career at a renowned German Executive Search consultancy, where he was most recently responsible for international research as Head of Research. In 2014, he moved to Kienbaum, where he was given more and more responsibility over the years. He also completed an MBA at the same time.

His consulting focus and his range of experience lie in the placement of executives in the areas of management, divisional management and at department head level. The filling of specialist roles along the entire value chain of modern manufacturing companies, (engineering) service providers and trading companies round off his profile. Mr Hölderle mainly accompanies mandates in companies in the sectors of industry (especially mechanical and plant engineering), electrical engineering/communication technology, automotive, medical technology and trading companies. His clients are owner-managed companies, corporate groups and private equity companies.



Since July 2021, Martin Hölderle is part of Dr Maier und Partner in Stuttgart.

Sebastian Lang has 20 years of management experience in the automotive, mechanical and plant engineering and electrical engineering sectors. After studying business administration with a focus on human resources and industrial management, he gained national and international experience as a CHRO and HR manager in medium-sized and listed companies.


Sebastian Lang focuses on filling positions at the first and second management levels, especially in manufacturing industries. As a systemic organisational developer (isb), he advises companies in all areas of modern and future-oriented HR management. His consulting focus is on strategy and culture development, change management, HR transformation and digitalisation.

Carin Pawlak ist als erfahrene Executive Consultant für Top-Positionen in vielen Branchen der Privatwirtschaft und des Öffentlichen Sektors tätig. Nach ihrer Berufsausbildung und ihrem Master an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München war Carin Pawlak in leitenden Positionen in der Medien-Branche erfolgreich. Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Platzierung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für den familiengeführten Mittelstand, für Konzerne und für den öffentlichen Sektor


Nach vielen Jahren in der Personalberatung als Executive Consultant und Managing Consultant ist Carin Pawlak seit 2024 als Partner und Executive Consultant bei Dr. Maier + Partner tätig.
Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Platzierung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für den familiengeführten Mittelstand, für Konzerne und für den öffentlichen Sektor

Portrait Heinrich Schaible, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Around 20 years of experience in executive search – Heinrich Schaible has proven expertise in filling management positions at international and national level. After studying industrial engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Heinrich Schaible held various management positions in an international group for many years and also gained experience in the management of a technology start-up company. He has been working for Dr. Maier + Partner as an HR consultant since 2001 and has been managing director of the company since 2006. In 2010, he finally became managing partner as part of a successful company succession.


Heinrich Schaible has in-depth consulting experience in the automotive, technology, mechanical and plant engineering sectors as well as in the aerospace industry. The focus of his consulting work is on filling management positions worldwide and on the topics of corporate succession, management assessment and remuneration models in medium-sized companies.

Andreas Stecher ist ein erfahrener Personalberater mit über zwölf Jahren Expertise im Executive Search. Bereits während seines Studiums der Rechtswissenschaften beschäftigte er sich mit der Auswahl von Top-Führungskräften bei einer angesehenen, international tätigen deutschen Managementberatung.


Sein Fokus liegt auf dem produzierenden Mittelstand in der DACH-Region. Dabei konzentriert er sich vor allem auf die Suche und Auswahl von Führungspersönlichkeiten, die sowohl zur jeweiligen Aufgabenstellung passen als auch die Unternehmenskultur bereichern. Als zertifizierter HOGAN-Assessment-Berater bringt er wertvolle diagnostische Fähigkeiten in seine Auswahlverfahren ein.


Seit 2024 ist Andreas Stecher Teil von Dr. Maier + Partner und engagiert sich aktiv am Aufbau des Nürnberger Büros.

Bodo Vorrath ist ein erfahrener Executive Search Consultant und Executive Coach [EBS]. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Personal- & Managementberatung unterstützt Bodo Vorrath Kunden aus vielen Branchen bei der Besetzung von TOP Funktionen im Schwerpunkt Corporate Strategy / M&A / Corporate Inhouse Consulting. 

Nach Ausbildung, Studium, MBA und beruflichen Stationen im Konzern und der Beratung startete Bodo Vorrath 2005 im Executive Search und baute die deutsche Niederlassung einer internationalen Personalberatung mit auf. 2008 startete Bodo Vorrath seine eigene Executive Search Firma im Bereich Konzernstrategie, M&A, Inhouse Consulting und begleitete erfolgreich über 16 Jahre Kunden und Kandidaten bei Ihrer Entwicklung.

Seit Juni 2024 ist sein Schwerpunkt vollständig in Dr. Maier + Partner integriert. Bodo Vorrath verantwortet den Bereich Professional Services und begleitet Kunden bei Besetzungen rund um die Themen: Corporate Strategy, Corporate M&A, Inhouse Consulting, Investment Management, Private Equity, Management Consulting sowie Family Offices

Portrait von Sven Hasenwandel, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Specialist and wide-ranging expertise in filling specialist and management positions for medium-sized companies and large companies in the manufacturing sector – Sven Hasenwandel has broad-based expertise based on many years of international professional experience in HR consulting.


The graduate economist gained extensive knowledge during his seven years as partner and branch manager of a renowned management consultancy in Stuttgart with a nationwide presence. In 2006, he then started as Managing Director at Dr. Maier + Partner. Sven Hasenwandel played a decisive role in shaping the development of the company and became managing partner in 2013.


His industry focus is on mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry, the electrotechnical industry and the IT and service sector.

Dr. Philipp Kastropp, Consultant bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Dr Philipp Kastropp is specialised in the interdisciplinary and intersectoral staffing of executives. Due to his academic background, he has many years of proven methodological competence, which comes into play especially in his work with multinational-heterogeneous organisational structures.

Dr Kastropp already gained experience in complex selection processes during his own promotion period at an academic talent agency. Following this foundation, he joined a renowned headhunting boutique in Munich after submitting his dissertation. There he gained in-depth knowledge in executive search and management selection.

In addition to this, his focus today is on questions of corporate culture in order to make our clients successful in the long term. With this professional expertise, Dr Kastropp has joined Dr. Maier + Partner in 2021.


Dr. Ivo Odak wirkte über elf Jahre als Geschäftsführer bei zwei international agierenden und technologisch führenden mittelständischen Industrieunternehmen und hat insgesamt rund zwanzig Jahre Industrieerfahrung. In dieser Zeit erlangte er unter anderem sehr umfangreiche Kenntnisse in der Führung von mittelständischen Organisationen, in Personalauswahlprozessen und in der Entwicklung von Führungskräften.


Sein Fokus liegt auf der weltweiten Besetzung von Positionen der ersten und zweiten Führungsebene, insbesondere in produzierenden Industrien. Dabei verfügt er über fundierte Beratungserfahrung in den Branchen Automotive, Technologie, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowie im öffentlichen Sektor. Ferner berät Dr. Odak als Experte in Fragen der Unternehmernachfolge und dem Einsatz von Management Assessments.


Seit 2017 ist Dr. Ivo Odak als Partner für Dr. Maier + Partner tätig. Anfang 2019 erwarb er Anteile und wurde zum geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter.

Portrait Robert Sadjak, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Robert Sadjak has many years of experience in identifying and managing professionals and managers.


After his business studies, he worked for 15 years at large, international consumer goods manufacturers in national and regional responsibilities - seven of them at executive level. He then founded a platform start-up in the field of personnel and event management for companies. Through the corporate and self-employment stations, Robert Sadjak has experienced and successfully shaped business and personnel developments from different perspectives.


His focus at Dr. Maier + Partner is on filling executive positions at the first and second management levels. His clients and industry focus are medium-sized manufacturing companies, consumer goods companies, high-growth start-ups and consultancies - often with an international orientation. Other consulting focuses are the development of growth strategies, digitalisation and brand building.


Portrait von Jens Siegloch, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Before joining Dr. Maier + Partner, Jens Siegloch gained over 20 years of experience in executive search, 14 of which he spent as a partner at Kienbaum Consultants International.

After studying administrative sciences at the University of Konstanz, he quickly made a career in consulting. Jens Siegloch has many years of management experience as head of branch offices and sector-centred practice groups. 

He is responsible for and accompanies topics such as company succession, C-level positions and the establishment of nationwide and international sales and development teams in family-run medium-sized businesses, in corporate groups, and in companies held by private equity firms. In addition to his focus on automotive, mechanical engineering, and the metalworking industry, Jens Siegloch successfully holds mandates in other industries such as FMCG, retail, pharmaceuticals and the public sector.

Portrait von Patric Wittmann, Consultant bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Mr Wittmann has several years of experience in the identification and selection of specialists, young professionals as well as experts and managers. Even during his dual studies in business administration / human resources management at the Cooperative State University Lörrach, his focus and activities were on active recruiting / active sourcing.

Patric Wittmann joined the recruiting team at Dr. Maier + Partner in 2017 and deepened his expertise in the systems of a renowned executive search consultancy. With a proven track record, his focus at Dr. Maier + Partner today is on filling challenging positions for specialists as well as specialists and executives in medium-sized companies.




Sandra Fröhlich, Senior Consultant bei Dr. Maier + Partner

Sandra Fröhlich contributes over 20 years of consulting experience from the automotive, industry and financial services sectors to Dr. Maier + Partner. Most recently, she worked as an Executive Search Consultant at Kienbaum Consultants International and successfully recruited managers and specialists for medium-sized companies.

After completing her business studies with a focus on HR and marketing, Sandra Fröhlich started her career as a HR officer at a well-known medium-sized automotive supplier. Her focus was on recruiting specialists and managers in competitive markets. With the help of complex selection methods, she successfully built up a new corporate division with changed requirements for employees, and then worked as a personnel and organisational developer to drive this change process in the production environment of the automotive industry.

With her move to self-employment as a senior consultant in the financial services sector, Sandra Fröhlich expanded her consulting expertise to include coaching and career counselling for academics.

With her training as a systemic business coach and online coach, Sandra Fröhlich now focuses on HR consulting - in addition to executive search. Her goal: to actively support our clients with business coaching, management audits and career consulting, in parallel to executive selection in executive development.

Portrait von Sven Hasenwandel, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Specialist and wide-ranging expertise in filling specialist and management positions for medium-sized companies and large companies in the manufacturing sector – Sven Hasenwandel has broad-based expertise based on many years of international professional experience in HR consulting.


The graduate economist gained extensive knowledge during his seven years as partner and branch manager of a renowned management consultancy in Stuttgart with a nationwide presence. In 2006, he then started as Managing Director at Dr. Maier + Partner. Sven Hasenwandel played a decisive role in shaping the development of the company and became managing partner in 2013.


His industry focus is on mechanical and plant engineering, the automotive industry, the electrotechnical industry and the IT and service sector.

Portrait von Martin Hölderle, Principal bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Martin Hölderle has been working in executive search at national and international level for more than ten years. He gained first experience during his studies (Business Administration with a focus on Human Resources) in a consulting boutique in Munich. He then wrote his thesis on Executive Search. He started his career at a renowned German Executive Search consultancy, where he was most recently responsible for international research as Head of Research. In 2014, he moved to Kienbaum, where he was given more and more responsibility over the years. He also completed an MBA at the same time.

His consulting focus and his range of experience lie in the placement of executives in the areas of management, divisional management and at department head level. The filling of specialist roles along the entire value chain of modern manufacturing companies, (engineering) service providers and trading companies round off his profile. Mr Hölderle mainly accompanies mandates in companies in the sectors of industry (especially mechanical and plant engineering), electrical engineering/communication technology, automotive, medical technology and trading companies. His clients are owner-managed companies, corporate groups and private equity companies.

Since July 2021, Martin Hölderle is part of Dr Maier und Partner in Stuttgart.

Dr. Philipp Kastropp, Consultant bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Dr Philipp Kastropp is specialised in the interdisciplinary and intersectoral staffing of executives. Due to his academic background, he has many years of proven methodological competence, which comes into play especially in his work with multinational-heterogeneous organisational structures.

Dr Kastropp already gained experience in complex selection processes during his own promotion period at an academic talent agency. Following this foundation, he joined a renowned headhunting boutique in Munich after submitting his dissertation. There he gained in-depth knowledge in executive search and management selection.

In addition to this, his focus today is on questions of corporate culture in order to make our clients successful in the long term. With this professional expertise, Dr Kastropp has joined Dr. Maier + Partner in 2021.

Sebastian Lang has 20 years of management experience in the automotive, mechanical and plant engineering and electrical engineering sectors. After studying business administration with a focus on human resources and industrial management, he gained national and international experience as a CHRO and HR manager in medium-sized and listed companies.


Sebastian Lang focuses on filling positions at the first and second management levels, especially in manufacturing industries. As a systemic organisational developer (isb), he advises companies in all areas of modern and future-oriented HR management. His consulting focus is on strategy and culture development, change management, HR transformation and digitalisation.

Dr. Ivo Odak wirkte über elf Jahre als Geschäftsführer bei zwei international agierenden und technologisch führenden mittelständischen Industrieunternehmen und hat insgesamt rund zwanzig Jahre Industrieerfahrung. In dieser Zeit erlangte er unter anderem sehr umfangreiche Kenntnisse in der Führung von mittelständischen Organisationen, in Personalauswahlprozessen und in der Entwicklung von Führungskräften.


Sein Fokus liegt auf der weltweiten Besetzung von Positionen der ersten und zweiten Führungsebene, insbesondere in produzierenden Industrien. Dabei verfügt er über fundierte Beratungserfahrung in den Branchen Automotive, Technologie, Maschinen- und Anlagenbau sowie im öffentlichen Sektor. Ferner berät Dr. Odak als Experte in Fragen der Unternehmernachfolge und dem Einsatz von Management Assessments.


Seit 2017 ist Dr. Ivo Odak als Partner für Dr. Maier + Partner tätig. Anfang 2019 erwarb er Anteile und wurde zum geschäftsführenden Gesellschafter.

Carin Pawlak ist als erfahrene Executive Consultant für Top-Positionen in vielen Branchen der Privatwirtschaft und des Öffentlichen Sektors tätig. Nach ihrer Berufsausbildung und ihrem Master an der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München war Carin Pawlak in leitenden Positionen in der Medien-Branche erfolgreich. Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Platzierung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für den familiengeführten Mittelstand, für Konzerne und für den öffentlichen Sektor


Nach vielen Jahren in der Personalberatung als Executive Consultant und Managing Consultant ist Carin Pawlak seit 2024 als Partner und Executive Consultant bei Dr. Maier + Partner tätig.
Ihr Fokus liegt auf der Platzierung von Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für den familiengeführten Mittelstand, für Konzerne und für den öffentlichen Sektor

Portrait Robert Sadjak, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Robert Sadjak has many years of experience in identifying and managing professionals and managers.


After his business studies, he worked for 15 years at large, international consumer goods manufacturers in national and regional responsibilities - seven of them at executive level. He then founded a platform start-up in the field of personnel and event management for companies. Through the corporate and self-employment stations, Robert Sadjak has experienced and successfully shaped business and personnel developments from different perspectives.


His focus at Dr. Maier + Partner is on filling executive positions at the first and second management levels. His clients and industry focus are medium-sized manufacturing companies, consumer goods companies, high-growth start-ups and consultancies - often with an international orientation. Other consulting focuses are the development of growth strategies, digitalisation and brand building.

Portrait Heinrich Schaible, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Around 20 years of experience in executive search – Heinrich Schaible has proven expertise in filling management positions at international and national level. After studying industrial engineering at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT), Heinrich Schaible held various management positions in an international group for many years and also gained experience in the management of a technology start-up company. He has been working for Dr. Maier + Partner as an HR consultant since 2001 and has been managing director of the company since 2006. In 2010, he finally became managing partner as part of a successful company succession.


Heinrich Schaible has in-depth consulting experience in the automotive, technology, mechanical and plant engineering sectors as well as in the aerospace industry. The focus of his consulting work is on filling management positions worldwide and on the topics of corporate succession, management assessment and remuneration models in medium-sized companies.

Portrait von Jens Siegloch, geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Before joining Dr. Maier + Partner, Jens Siegloch gained over 20 years of experience in executive search, 14 of which he spent as a partner at Kienbaum Consultants International.

After studying administrative sciences at the University of Konstanz, he quickly made a career in consulting. Jens Siegloch has many years of management experience as head of branch offices and sector-centred practice groups. 

He is responsible for and accompanies topics such as company succession, C-level positions and the establishment of nationwide and international sales and development teams in family-run medium-sized businesses, in corporate groups, and in companies held by private equity firms. In addition to his focus on automotive, mechanical engineering, and the metalworking industry, Jens Siegloch successfully holds mandates in other industries such as FMCG, retail, pharmaceuticals and the public sector.

Andreas Stecher ist ein erfahrener Personalberater mit über zwölf Jahren Expertise im Executive Search. Bereits während seines Studiums der Rechtswissenschaften beschäftigte er sich mit der Auswahl von Top-Führungskräften bei einer angesehenen, international tätigen deutschen Managementberatung.


Sein Fokus liegt auf dem produzierenden Mittelstand in der DACH-Region. Dabei konzentriert er sich vor allem auf die Suche und Auswahl von Führungspersönlichkeiten, die sowohl zur jeweiligen Aufgabenstellung passen als auch die Unternehmenskultur bereichern. Als zertifizierter HOGAN-Assessment-Berater bringt er wertvolle diagnostische Fähigkeiten in seine Auswahlverfahren ein.


Seit 2024 ist Andreas Stecher Teil von Dr. Maier + Partner und engagiert sich aktiv am Aufbau des Nürnberger Büros.

Bodo Vorrath ist ein erfahrener Executive Search Consultant und Executive Coach [EBS]. Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung in der Personal- & Managementberatung unterstützt Bodo Vorrath Kunden aus vielen Branchen bei der Besetzung von TOP Funktionen im Schwerpunkt Corporate Strategy / M&A / Corporate Inhouse Consulting. 

Nach Ausbildung, Studium, MBA und beruflichen Stationen im Konzern und der Beratung startete Bodo Vorrath 2005 im Executive Search und baute die deutsche Niederlassung einer internationalen Personalberatung mit auf. 2008 startete Bodo Vorrath seine eigene Executive Search Firma im Bereich Konzernstrategie, M&A, Inhouse Consulting und begleitete erfolgreich über 16 Jahre Kunden und Kandidaten bei Ihrer Entwicklung.

Seit Juni 2024 ist sein Schwerpunkt vollständig in Dr. Maier + Partner integriert. Bodo Vorrath verantwortet den Bereich Professional Services und begleitet Kunden bei Besetzungen rund um die Themen: Corporate Strategy, Corporate M&A, Inhouse Consulting, Investment Management, Private Equity, Management Consulting sowie Family Offices

Portrait von Patric Wittmann, Consultant bei der Dr. Maier + Partner GmbH

Mr Wittmann has several years of experience in the identification and selection of specialists, young professionals as well as experts and managers. Even during his dual studies in business administration / human resources management at the Cooperative State University Lörrach, his focus and activities were on active recruiting / active sourcing.

Patric Wittmann joined the recruiting team at Dr. Maier + Partner in 2017 and deepened his expertise in the systems of a renowned executive search consultancy. With a proven track record, his focus at Dr. Maier + Partner today is on filling challenging positions for specialists as well as specialists and executives in medium-sized companies.

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